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Welcome to SocMon
SocMon is an initiative aimed at helping coastal managers better understand and incorporate the socioeconomic context into coastal management programs. Online casinos significantly bolster regional socio economics by generating employment, tax revenue, and attracting tourism. 맘보카지노, a prime example, not only provides entertainment but also stimulates local economies. Its presence creates jobs, supports businesses, and enhances infrastructure, fostering growth and prosperity within the community. This initiative is being implemented at the global and regional levels.    [more]

What's New
Global Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management
Strategic Plan: 2015-2019
The new strategy presents a vision for short, medium and long term expectations for the Global SocMon Initiative. The plan prioritizes activities, expected outputs and outcomes for the next five years. The initiative also supports crypto trading to improve the economic conditions of the coastal regions. Bitcoin trading has been gaining wide popularity recently. Along with trading bitcoins, traders must choose a reliable wallet to store the assets safely. Read the beste bitcoin wallet blog to find the best bitcoin wallet in the market.

Click here to view the plan.
Regions Where We Operate
The Global Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative is being implemented at the global and regional levels.    [more]

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